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Admin settings overview

From customizing company details and managing office locations to tailoring user roles and overseeing team functions

Written by Saurabh Chaturvedi
Updated over a week ago

HybridHero's versatile settings cover Company, Location, User, People, and Team configurations. Customize Company details, manage office locations, tailor user roles, add or remove team members, and oversee team-related functions:

  • General Settings

  • Location Settings

  • User Settings

  • People Settings

  • Team Settings

General Settings include: Company Settings, Password Management, Status Type.

Company Settings:

Company Logo:

  • Upload and customize your company logo.

  • Supported formats: JPEG, PNG;

Notification Type for New Users:

  • Set notification preferences for new users.

  • Options: Email, Push, QR Check-in.

QR Check-in:

  • Enable QR check-in functionality.

  • Configure QR check-in enforcement.

  • Specify the minimum days users must be in the office per week

Available Languages:

  • Select languages available to users.

  • Options: English, Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish, Danish, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese.

Password Management:

  • Set password reset frequency.

  • Define minimum characters required for a password.

  • Configure web session expiration.

  • Specify whether password repeats are allowed.

  • Enable special character requirements.

Status Types:

  • HybridHero has two status types: working and non-working.

  • Working Status Types (Cannot be Changed):

    • In Office

    • Remote

  • Non-working Status Types:

    • Out of Office

    • Sick

    • Vacation

    • Default view for users: 'Out of Office' when viewing others' status.

Location settings

  • Creating a new location

  • Workspace configuration

  • Adding a floorplan

  • Adding a location manager

  • Adding a desk to a user

  • Make in an asset unavailable

Creating a New Location:

  • Login to HybridHero and navigate to Location settings under Company settings.

  • Click Create a new Location.

  1. Follow the dropdown list to create Country, State, City, and Building.

  2. While creating the building, provide details like Building name, Default language, Time-Zone, Currency, Week start day, and Opening hours for each day.

  3. Under the building, create a new floor by providing the floor name.

Workspace Configuration:

  1. Click Edit under the search bar.

  2. In the Workspace configuration window, make necessary changes and click Save changes.

Adding a Floor Plan:

  1. Navigate to the desired Location, Building, and Floor.

  2. Click on Floor plan editor to access the editing canvas.

  3. Add rooms from the Building option on the right.

  4. Drag and drop room shapes and place Workspaces, Rooms, or Carparking spaces.

Assign assets using the dropdown menu and click Publish to save.

Adding a Location Manager:

  1. Click Edit against the location.

  2. Scroll down to the Manager section.

  3. Search and add the user as the location manager.

  4. Click Save.

Assigning a desk to a user:

  1. Navigate to the floor.

  2. Click Edit against the desk.

  3. In the Permissions tab, assign the desk to the user's team.

  1. Assign the desk to the specific user.

  2. Click Save changes.

Making an asset unavailable:

  1. Navigate to the floor and click Edit against the asset (Workspace/Meeting room/Car parking).

  2. In the Permissions tab, go to the Availability section.

  3. Select Unavailable from the dropdown.

  4. Save the changes.

User Settings

  • Viewing or modifying user permissions/roles

  • Changing a team for a user

  • User types and permissions

  • Assigning an Admin Role to a user

  • Creating a New User

  • Editing the Name of a User

Viewing or modifying user permissions/roles:

  • Click on Company Settings.

  • Open User Settings.

  • Select and click on the desired user.

  • The settings window opens, displaying all permissions.

Changing a Team for a User:

  • Click on User Settings.

  • Choose and click on the user needing a team change.

  • In the user profile window, click on the team icon.

  • Under Primary team, search for the new team.

  • Click continue and save.

Primary team is for reporting, secondary team(s) for asset booking.

User Types and Permissions:

  • Users are classified into 5 types: User, Team Manager, Location Manager, Report Viewer, Administrator.

  • Admin can view and modify these roles under User Settings.

Assigning an Admin Role to a User:

  • Only existing admins can assign an Admin role.

  • Select the user and click on the drop-down icon in the permission group.

  • Choose Administrator and Save.

Creating a New User:

  • Admin or Team Manager can create a new user individually or through bulk upload.

  • Click on the "+" icon under all users for individual creation.

  • Enter details under Personal details and Save.

For bulk upload:

  • Click on the "+" icon under all users.

  • Download CSV template, fill in mandatory details.

  • Upload the CSV template and validate.

Editing the Name of a User:

  • Admin or Team Manager can correct a username.

  • Click on the user needing a correction.

Make necessary changes under Personal Details and click Save.

People Settings

  • How to create leave types?

  • How to create leave profile?

  • How to assign leave profile to a user?

  • What kind of permissions you can assign?

How to create leave types?

HR Admins can create new leave types from People Settings tab by the following steps:

  1. Navigate to People settings under Company settings.

  2. Select the first icon, Leave types from the top menu bar.

  3. Click on "+" icon to add new time off types.

  4. Window (Add time off type) opens on right side panel.

  5. Enter details like Name, Leave type, Country, Annual allowance, Time off year start, Roll forward, PTO, Approval and Description if any.

  6. Click on Save.

After a new leave type is created, we need to add this to an existing or a new Leave profile

How to create leave profile?

  1. Select the second icon, Leave profiles from the top menu bar.

  2. Click on "+" icon to create a new leave profile or click on pencil icon to edit an existing leave profile.

  3. If you want to add the new leave type to an existing leave profile, click on edit profile and select the new leave type under Leave types and click on save.

  4. If you want to add the new leave type to a new leave profile, click on "+" icon and tick Active box, enter details like Name and Description if any, select the new leave type under Leave types and click on Save.

How to assign leave profile to a user?

  1. Search for the user whom you want the leave profile to be assigned to

  2. Click on View HR profile of the user

  3. Click on Job tab from the top menu bar

  4. Click on drop-down list next to Leave profile of the selected user

  5. Choose the right one for the user

  6. Choose the appropriate Work calendar

  7. Click Save.

What kind of permissions you can assign?

  • No Access: Permission with a lock symbol means that the details/field will be hidden for either all the employees or for a particular group.

  • View Access: Permission with an eye symbol means that the details/field will be visible for either all the employees or for a particular group.

  • Edit Access: Permission with a pencil symbol means that the details/field can be edited by either all the employees or by a particular group.

Team settings

  • How to Add a Manager to the Team?

  • How to Add a Team?

  • How to Remove Members from My Team?

  • How to Delete a Team?

How to Add a Manager to the Team?

  • Click on the team, then under Manager(s), enter the new manager's name and click Add.

How to Add a Team?

  • Click on Create a New Team.

  • Enter required fields (Team Name, Manager, Assigned workspaces, etc.).

  • Untick the Lead Team option if necessary.

  • Click Save to create the new team.

How to Remove Members from My Team?

  • Select the desired team, go to the People tab.

  • Click the Bin icon for users to remove and then click Save.

How to Delete a Team?

  • Click on the pencil icon against the team to delete.

  • Ensure no members or desks are assigned to the team.

  • Make the team inactive by unchecking the Active checkbox.

  • Click on the Bin icon to remove the team.

The team cannot be deleted if there are active desks or assigned users. The team should be inactive to delete it. Deletion removes future bookings for the team.

We hope this helps! If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team at [email protected]

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