Booking car parks from Plan by a user
Booking car parks from Plan by an admin
Booking car parks from Plan by a user
Note: A user can book the Car park from Plan by using only View by Month. Team View will not be available for users.
In Month view, users can book the car park based on locations which are available. To book, below are the steps.
Click on Plan from the left menu.
Select the car park icon from the top left.
Select the location where you want to book the car park.
Enter the details like registration number, date, time slot.
Click on the appropriate parking slot which is available to book.
Booking car parks from Plan by an adminNote: An Admin can book car parks on behalf of other members by using View by Team.
Admins can use View by Month to book car parks for themselves:
Click Plan from the left side menu.
Select the car park icon from the top menu bar.
Select an appropriate location from where you wish to book the car park and adjust your Start and End time.
Select View by Month, click on a green square below the correct date and against your desired parking, the parking will be booked for your specified work hours.
Admins can use View by Team to book car parks on behalf of others.
Below are the steps to be followed:
Click on Plan from the left menu.
Select the car park icon from the top menu bar.
Change the view to View by team.
Click on the drop down to expand the team where the user belongs to.
Select the appropriate time slot for the booking.
Click on a square below the correct date and against the user’s name.
Booking page opens up.
Choose an available Parking and Click Book.
Car park will be booked for the user by an admin.
If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team at support@hybridhero.com -
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